Thursday, November 2, 2006

oracle study test2a

find current value of sequence
- currval
- nextval

declare total_sal number(9);
update emp
set sal=1500
where name='clark'
savepoint clark_sal;
select sum(sal) into total_sal from emp;
if total_sal > 20000 rollback;
end if;

lock table customer in exclusive mode no wait
share - allows concurrent queries, but disallows updates to table

object privilege for REVOKE?
- alter
- delete,
- index
- insert
- select
- update

natural join, defined in terms of cartisian product

select name
from authors
where name like '%O\_H%' ESCAPE '\';

select count(birthday)
function sum() & avg() canot be used with date type

drop table table1 cascade constraints
drop statement drops table, data, indexes, contraints, triggers,and privileges

num_in_stock number(5)
select quantity into num_in_stock FROM product
where product = 'Floppy'
if num_in_stock > 0 then
update product set quantity=quantity-1
where product = 'floppy'
insert into record
vlaues('one floppy sale', sysdate)
end if;

select last_nmae, commission_pct
( case commission_pct
when 0.1 then 'low'
when 0.15 then 'avg'
when 0.2 then 'high'
else 'n/a'
end) commission
from employees
# return values cannot be null

alter table student modify constraint (name varchar2(25) not null)

sql doesn't allow the use of distinct with count(*)
its possible to use distinct with max, min, but wont make a difference
keyword ALL can be used in place of distinct

select ordid, NLV(TO_CHAR(shipdate), 'Not shipped' ...
# notice ', not "

STORE SET # generates a *.sql file

- tablespace is parented by database, so tablespace cannot be a part of another db
- datafile is parented by tablespace, so datafile cannot be part of another db
- a datafile may not be removed from a tablespace

right outer join
oracle will return NULL for any rows that have no matching rows

select nullif(10,10) from dual;
returns a null if both are equal

scalar subqueries can only return a single column and single row
scalar subqueries cannot be used for:
- default values for columns
- returning clauses
- hash expressions for cluster
- functional index expressions
- check constraints on columns
- when conditions of triggers
- group by and having clauses
- start with and connect by clauses

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