Thursday, November 2, 2006

oracle study test2d

char(size) - max 2000
varchar2(size) - max 4000

alter tablespace
rename datafile
database must be open
tablespace is taken offline

grant action, implicit commit after any DCL statement
in event of database crash

Resource parameters
- sessions_per_user
- cpu_per_session
- cpu_per_call
- connect_time
- idle_time
- logical_reads_per_session
- logical_reads_per_call
- composite_limit
- private_sga

all these are true:
- alter table employees drop primary key keep index;
- using index (create index emp_pk_idx on employee(empno));
- alter table employees drop constraint empno_pk;

select customer_name,loan_number
from borrower,loan
where loan number>10 and (customer_name = 'John' or customer_name = 'Jack');
# which is executed first: ? where, from, and, or

CLOB - char large obj up to 4GB
NCLOB - for unicode
BLOB - large binary object
RAW - binary info up to 2000 bytes

check constriant, requires a condition be true or unknown for every row in table
if a statement causes the condition to be false the statement is rolled back
the CHECK constraint cannot include SYSDATE, UID, USER, or USERENV SQL func

which of these functions returns the first non null value in an expression list?
COALESCE - select coalesce(null,null,'20') from dual; # RETURNS 20

Which of the following returns a single numeric value?
character fnunctions take char, or varchar2 and return a character string
Examples: UPPER, LTRIM
character functions returning number values is small group of functions that take char arg and return a numeric, ie. LENGTH & ASCII

ALTER TABLE is used to drop a constraint

select last, first
from student
where marks < avg(marks) # cant do this, have to use subquery to compare

changes you CANNOT make to an existing table
- a column that already contains nulls cannot be changed from null to not null
- a new column cannot be added as not null
- a columns size or datatype cannot be changed until the column does not contain any data

Assume table One contains A,B,C and Two contains A,B

large batch jobs
ROLLBACK segments

- take the tablespace online
- make the tablespace read only
- end a backup

LAtches - used in Oracle to protect internal memory structures
preventing simultaneous access
similar to locks. Latches do internal memory, locks protect data structures

the following conditions should be met to make tablespace read only
- tablespace must be online
- tablespace must not contain any active rollback segments
- tablespace must not be involved in an open backup

Oralce sorting occurs:
- when an index is created
- when a merge sort is invoked by SQL optimizer because inadequate indexes exist for a table join

# ?
create tablespace temp
datafile "c:\database\temp.dbf"

nvl2(x1,x2,x3) x1,x2,x3 are expressionses it returns
x3 if x1 is null
x2 if x1 is not null

- can be used to conditionally insert
- can be used to conditionally update
- can perform the operation in parallel

multi-table inserts
- cannot be performaed on views
- cannot perform a multitable insert via a DB link
- cannot perform multitable insert into nested tables
- sum of all INTO columns cannot exceed 999
- sequences cannot be used in the subquery of the multitable insert

which if this trigger is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement even if the row is not affect?
* statement triggers

what is the characteristic of a latch willing to wait situation
- if latch not avail, the process will wait
- each time, the gets column value from v$latch is incremented
- if latch request is satisfied, the immediate_gets column is incremented
- otherwise the immediate_misses column is incremented

in nested subqueries, they are resolved from inner-most, to outer-most
subqueries return rows with keywords like IN or EXISTS
subquery cannot use ordering clauses like ORDER BY/ GROUP BY

selecting for update, which is already locked can cause hang
select *
from employees
where empno = 20
for update wait 40;

left outer join
right outer joint
full outer join - matching and unmatching rows from both tables

INSTR is a numeric function since it returns Numberic starting position of a substring. Other scalar (single row functions), ASCII, CONCAt, INSTR
NVL is a numeric funciton

when does a sort occur?
- sql using the order by clause
- sql using the group by clause
- when an index is created
- when a merge sort is invoked by the sql optimizer because inadequate indexes exist for a table join

these are valued
- alter table test1 add(constraint test1_pk primary key(col1));
- alter index test1_pk rename to test_pk;
- alter table test1 rename to test;

subqueries can be used by the following commands:
- create tables and insert records
- provide values to select, where, having in, update, delete
- insert records in the target views

immediate latch
- if latch request satisified, the immediate_gets column is incremented
- otherwise, the immediate_misses column is incremented

REVOKE select on jack.product_master from john

valid column names:

30 characters, contain only ($), (_), and (#)

which tablespace is used as the temporary tablespace if "temporary tablespace" is not specified for the user
there is no TEMP, CACHE tablespace in ORACLE

which is true for triggers?
* a trigger restriction specifies a boolean expression that is true to fire a trigger

CEIL(-84) = -83

which of these is used with GROUP BY to give cross tabulation?
GROUP BY ROLLUP - gives automatic subtotals
HAVING - limmits GROUP BY to groups for which the condition is true

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