Thursday, May 5, 2005

oreilly cookbooks TOC


Linux Cookbook
Linux Network Administrators Guide
Linux Security Cookbook
Perl Cookbook
PHP Cookbook
Python Cookbook
Apache Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook
Secure Programming Cookbook

# 30 books came back with 'Hacks' in title

Linux Cookbook
C1 Finding Docs
C2 Installing RPM-based
C3 Installing Debian-based
C4 Installing Programs from Source
C5 Discovering Hardware
C6 Editing text files
C7 Starting and Stopping
C8 Managing Users and Groups
C9 Managing Files and Partitions
C10 Patching, Customizing, Upgrading Kernels
C11 CD and DVD recording
C12 Managing the Bootloader
C13 SYstem rescue with Knoppix
C14 Printing with CUPS
C15 Config Video and Manage X
C16 Backup and Recovery
C17 Remote Access
C18 Version Control
C19 Keeping time - NTP
C20 Building a Postfix Mail Server
C21 Managing Spam and Malware
C22 Running Apache Web
C23 File and Print Sharing, Domain Auth with Samba
C24 Managing Name Res
Appen A: Finding docs, books, mags
Appen B: Hardware Web Sites, Usenet

Linux Network Administrators Guide
C1 Intro Networking
C2 Issues of TCP/IP Networking
C3 Config Serial Hardware
C4 Config TCPIP Net
C5 Name Service
C7 Firewall
C8 IP Accounting
C9 IP Masq and NAT
C10 Import Net Features
C11 Admin Issues with eMail
C12 sendmail
C13 Config IPv6 networks
C14 Config Apache Web
C16 Samba
C17 OpenLDAP
C18 Wireless
App A: Example Network: Virtual Brewery

Linux Security Cookbook
C1 Tripwire
C2 Firewalls - iptables
C3 Network Access Control
C4 Auth Techiques
C5 Auth Controls
C6 Protecting Outgoing Network Connections
C7 Protecting Files
C8 Protecting Email
C9 Testing and Monitoring

Perl Cookbook
C1 Strings
C2 Numbers
C3 Dates and Times
C4 Arrays
C5 Hashes
C6 Pattern Matching
C7 File Access
C8 File Contents
C9 Directories
C10 Subroutines
C11 References and Records
C12 Packages, Libs, Modules
C13 Classes, Objects, and Ties
C14 Database Access
C15 Interactivity
C16 Process Mgmt
C17 Sockets
C18 Internet Services
C20 Web Automation
C21 mod_perl

PHP Cookbook
C1 Strings
C2 Numbers
C3 Dates and Times
C4 Arrays
C5 Variables
C6 Functions
C7 Classes and Objects
C8 Web Basics
C9 Forms
C10 Database Access
C11 Web Automation
C13 Regular Expressions
C14 Encryption and Security
C15 Graphics
C16 Internationalization
C17 Internet services
C18 Files
C19 Directories
C20 Client-Side PHP
C21 PEAR - package mgr

Python Cookbook
C1 Text
C2 Files
C3 Time and Money
C4 Python Shortcuts
C5 Searching and Sorting
C7 Persistence and DB
C8 Debugging and Testing
C9 Processes, Threads, SYnc
C10 Sys Admin
C11 User Interfaces
C12 Processing XML
C13 Net Programming
C14 Web Programming
C15 Distributed Programming
C16 Programs about Programs
C17 Extending and Embedding
C18 Algorithms
C19 Iterators and Generators
C20 Descriptors, Decorators, and Metaclasses

Apache Cookbook
C1 Installation
C2 Adding Common Modules
C3 Logging
C4 Virtual Hosts
C5 Aliases, Redirecting, and Rewriting
C6 Security
C8 Dynamic Content
C9 Error Handling
C10 Proxies
C11 Performance
C12 Misc Topics
Appen A: Using Reg Expr in Apache
Appen B: Troubleshooting

MySQL Cookbook
C1 using mysql Client Program
C2 Writing MySQL-Based Programs
C3 Record Selection Techniques
C4 Stings
C5 Dates/Times
C6 Sorting
C7 Generating Summaries
C8 Modifying Tables with ALTER TABLE
C9 Obtaining and Using Metadata
C10 Importing and Exporting Data
C11 Generating and Using Sequences
C12 Using Multiple Tables
C13 Statistical Techniques
C14 Handling Dups
C15 Performing Transacations
C16 Intro to MySQL on the Web
C17 Incorporating Query Results into Web
C18 Processing Web Input with MySQL
C19 Using MySQL-Based Web Session Mgmt
Appen A - Obtaining MySQL software
Appen B - JSP and Tomcat Primer
Appen C - References

Secure Programming Cookbook for C/C++
C1 Safe INitialization
C2 Access Control
C3 Input Validation
C4 Symmetric Crypt Fundamentals
C5 Symmetic ENcryption
C6 Hashes and Message Auth
C7 Public Key Crypt
C8 Auth and Key Exchange
C9 Networking
C10 Public Key Infrastructure
C11 Random Numbers
C12 Anti-Tampering
C13 Other Topics

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